Publications (PDFs of manuscripts available upon request)
Broader Impacts Publications
Publications under review or revision
Publications in preparation
- Butts T.J., E.K. Moody, G.M. Wilkinson. 2022. Seasonal dynamics of zooplankton community nutrient cycling and body size dynamics in a hypereutrophic reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research 44(6): 839 - 853. [Data] [Scripts] [Pre-Print].
- Moody E.K., T.J. Butts, R. Fleck, P.D. Jeyasingh, G.M. Wilkinson. 2022. Eutrophication-driven eco-evolutionary dynamics indicated by differences in stoichiometric traits among populations of Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology 67(2): 353-364.
- Butts T.J., J.Y.S. Hodgson, M. Guidone, J.R. Hodgson. 2020. Episodic zooplanktivory by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) on Daphnia: A 25-year natural history record from a small northern temperate lake. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 35(1): 469-490.
Broader Impacts Publications
- Butts T.J. 2022. The influence of food web structure on lake resistance and resilience to nutrient loading. Getting into Soil and Water.
Publications under review or revision
- Moody, E.K., K. Anania, K.S. Boersma, T.J. Butts, J.R. Corman, S. Cruz, W.R. Farrell, A.C. Krist, E.I. Larson, A. Lewanski, C. Liriano, K.N. Fonseca, A.J. Pignatelli, A. Poetzl, A.T. Regenski, C. Stiglitz, A. Villanueva. Under Review. A Multidimensional Framework to Characterize Variation in Stoichiometric Diversity Among Communities. Target Journal: Ecology
- Butts, T.J., M. Simonson, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. Under Review. Investigation changesto food web structure in shallow lakes following removal of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus). Target Journal: Ecosphere
- Wilkinson G.M., T.J. Butts, E. Sandry, M. Simonson, M.J. Weber. Under review. Experimental evaluation of the effects of bigmouth buffalo (Ictibous cyprinellus) density on shallow lake ecosystems. Target Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Pre-print:
Publications in preparation
- Butts, T.J., B. Martin, J. Mrnak, G. Sass, M.J. Vander Zanden, C. Warden, G.M. Wilkinson. In preparation. Changes in energy flow and food web stability in a north temperate lake prior to and following invasion of spiny water flea (Bythotrephes cederstoemi). Target Journal: Ecology Letters
- Butts, T.J., R.A. Johnson, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. In Preparation. Experimental evaluation of aquatic ecosystem resistance and resilience to episodic nutrient loading. Target Journal: Journal of Animal Ecology. Pre-print at Earth ArXiv (