§Conference was cancelled due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
*Undergraduate mentee
§Conference was cancelled due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
- Butts, T.J., K. D. McMahon, M.J. Vander Zanden. “How have multiple invasions altered food web interactions and structure in a eutrophic lake over almost 25 years?” ASLO Water Sciences Meeting (Madison, WI, USA).
- Butts, T.J. B. Martin, J. Mrnak, G. Sass, M.J. Vander Zanden, C. Warden, G.M. Wilkinson. "Exploring the effects of changes in food webs structure on energy flow and stability in Trout Lake, WI." 2023 Science in the Northwoods (Woodruff, WI, USA).
- Butts, T.J. M.J. Weber, Grace M. Wilkinson. 2022. “Aquatic ecosystem response to nutrient loading disturbances mediated by benthic-pelagic coupling.” 107th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Montréal, QC, CA).
- Johnson, RA, T.J. Butts, S.J. Hall, G.M. Wilkinson. 2022. “Greenhouse gas dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems in response to a pulse nutrient addition.” Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Grand Rapids, MI, USA).
- Butts, T.J., E.K. Moody, G.M. Wilkinson. 2022. “Zooplankton contribute substantially to early summer nutrient recycling in a hypereutrophic reservoir.” Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Grand Rapids, MI, USA).
- Moody, E.K., L. Bradley, T.J. Butts, E. Cherry, J. Corman, R. Farrell, A. Krist, E. Larson, A. Lewanski, C. Liriano, K. Nunes, A. Pignatelli, A. Poetzl, A. Villanueva. 2022. “A multidimensional functional approach to characterize stoichiometric variation among communities.” Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Grand Rapids, MI, USA).
- Ferrer, S.*, Butts, T.J. 2022. “Effects of food web structure on macroinvertebrate composition and abundance” University of Wisconsin-Madison Undergraduate Research Symposium (Virtual).
- Butts, T.J., M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2021. “Food web structure mediates algal response to storm event pulses of nutrient loading.” Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium (Virtual) [video (1:14:50 - 1:39:15)]
- §Butts, T.J., E. Sandry, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2020. “Food web differences mediate algal dynamics in response to a pulse nutrient loading.” ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Madison, WI, USA).
- Butts, T.J., E. Sandry, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2020.“Food web differences mediate ecosystem resilience to a pulse perturbation.” 27th Annual Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Spring Symposium (Ames, IA, USA).
- Butts, T.J., E. Sandry, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2019 “Does food web structure mediate ecosystem response to perturbations? A preliminary experiment.” Great Plains Limnology Conference (Ames, IA, USA).
- Moody, E.K., T.J. Butts, R. Fleck, P.D. Jeyasingh, G.M. Wilkinson. 2019. “From Glycolysis to Green Lakes: Evolution of Daphnia alters ecosystem functioning in hypereutrophic lakes. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting (San Juan, PR).
- Moody, E.K., T.J. Butts, R. Fleck, P.D. Jeyasingh, G.M. Wilkinson. 2019. “Eutrophication Elicits Evolution: Interpopulation Variation in Daphnia Growth Reaction Norms over a Phosphorus Gradient.” Great Plains Limnology Conference (Lawrence, KS, USA).
*Undergraduate mentee
- Albright, E.A., G.M. Wilkinson, J. Briggs, T.J. Butts, D. Szydlowski. 2023. "Internal Phosphorus Loading in Wisconsin Lakes and Reservoirs: Perspectives and Management Considerations from a Global Synthesis." Phosphorus Conference: Lessons from 10+ Years of Numeric Standards for Wisconsin's Waters (Madison, WI).
- Butts, T.J., M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. “Food web structure mediates ecosystem response to storm-related pulse nutrient loading.” Iowa Water Conference (Virtual); 2021 1st place, best poster presentation – Iowa Water Center
- Butts, T.J., M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2021. “Food web structure mediates ecosystem resilience in response to storm event pulses of nutrient loading.” AGU Fall Meeting (Virtual).
- Johnson, R.A., T.J. Butts, S.J. Hall, G.M. Wilkinson. 2020. “Greenhouse gas dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems in response to a pulse nutrient addition.” AGU Fall Meeting (Virtual).
- Barbour, R.*, T.J. Butts, G.M. Wilkinson. 2019 “Top-down grazing control of phytoplankton in a hypereutrophic lake.” Great Plains Limnology Conference (Ames, IA).
- Sandry, E, T.J. Butts, M. Simonson, M.J. Weber, G.M. Wilkinson. 2019. “Commercial Harvest of Bigmouth Buffalo as a Biomanipulation Strategy.” Great Plains Limnology Conference (Ames, IA).
- Butts, T.J., G.M. Wilkinson. 2018. “Changes in zooplankton communities following fishery renovations.” Great Plains Limnology Conference (Lawrence, KS); 26th Annual Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium (Ames, IA).
- Butts, T.J., C.H. Kissman. 2018. “Potential detrimental effects of sediment dredging on zooplankton in the Lower Fox River, WI, USA from 2013-2016.” 103rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (New Orleans, LA).
- Butts, T.J., M.R. Young*, C.H. Kissman. 2017. “Detrimental effects of sediment dredging on zooplankton density, biomass, and diversity in the Lower Fox River, WI, USA from 2013-2016.” 102nd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Portland, OR).